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Sell Like Crazy
Sell Like Crazy Read online
© Sabri Suby 2019
The moral rights of the author have been asserted.
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A catalogue record for this book is available from the National Library of Australia
All inquiries should be made to [email protected]
Creator: Suby, Sabri
Title: Sell Like Crazy: How To Get As Many Clients, Customers and Sales As You Can
Possibly Handle
978-0-6484599-0-3 (paper back)
978-0-6484599-2-7 (ebook)
978-0-6484599-1-0 (audio book)
The advice provided in this publication is general advice only. It has been prepared without
taking into account your objectives, financial situation or business needs. Before acting on
this advice you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your
own objectives, financial situation and business needs. To the maximum extent permitted
by law, the author and publisher disclaim all responsibility and liability to any person,
arising directly or indirectly from any person taking or not taking action based on the
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Printed in Australia by McPherson’s Printing Group
To my mother, who raised me with the belief that anything is possible and
encouraged me to chase my dreams.
To my wife and our daughter Melia. Without your unwavering support,
sacrifice, and belief in me, this work would not be possible.
Understand And Identify Your Dream Buyer
Create The Perfect Bait For Your Dream Buyer
Capture Leads And Get Contact Details
The Godfather Strategy
The Magic Lantern Technique
Sales Conversion
Automate And Multiply
Dear Friend,
Your decision to purchase this book may turn out to be the smartest decision
you’ve ever made.
As you are about to learn, this book totally delivers on every promise I’ve
made in my advertising.
Not only that, every sales-boosting idea you’re about to read has been tested
and proven to work in almost every industry on the planet. From dentists to
dog walkers, property investment to pizza delivery, this selling system works.
These ideas have already generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue
for my clients and me.
The simple secrets you will learn in Phase 1 have generated more than
$400,000,000 in the 167 different niches I’ve deployed them in.
And this: The amazing secret in Phase 2 that can make your advertising pull
300% more leads and sales off each and every ad.
And this: The #1 best way to grab any reader by the jugular... and pull them
into your sales message... and... almost force them to buy! This is one of my
biggest and most powerful secrets. (Even some of the biggest digital
marketers in the world don‘t know this core concept.) Phase 3 reveals all…
And this: The secrets revealed in Phase 3 are the very same ones I used to
help explode the sales of a home-building startup from $0 to $7million in
under 8 months.
And this: The secrets revealed in Phase 4 are the very same ones I used to
help Raphael Bender multiply the sales of his Pilates instructor training
company, Breathe Education, by more than 500% in just 12 months!
And this: The secrets revealed in Phase 4 will allow you to turn every
advertising dollar into $2, $3, or $4, and outspend all your competitors…
leaving them dumbfounded!
And this: The secrets in the other phases should remove almost every
roadblock that has ever stopped you from exploding the sales of your
These strategies aren’t restricted to big companies with huge marketing
budgets. I’ve used this secret selling system to generate hundreds of millions
of dollars in sales for businesses of all sizes.
It’s an immensely powerful system because of four core reasons:
IT WORKS FAST. Unlike traditional advertising, which takes months
of preparation and a long time to see results, this selling system can be
ready to go in a few weeks for immediate, trackable results.
IT’S CHEAP. The businesses successfully using this system have, in
many cases, not spent a single cent more on their marketing budgets.
IT’S TIMELESS. This isn’t one of your trendy online marketing
gimmicks that relies on hacks and workarounds. It’s a strategy that’s
worked for decades and will continue to work for a long time to come.
IT SCALES. This selling system works for any size business, from a
sole trader all the way up to a billion-dollar company. And its success
isn’t about how much money you throw at it, but how well you do it.
Before I begin, there’s something you need to understand first:
It will not be easy. It will take hard work and dedication from YOU. It will
require you to believe 100% in your product or service, and it will require
you to back that belief with a measurable financial investment to market it to
the world.
If you think you can become a millionaire overnight, or get floods of orders
by spending $200 a month on advertising, then this book isn’t right for you.
In fact, and I honestly mean no offence when I say this, I don’t even want
you to read this book! You won’t get anything out of it. There are no silver
bullets, hacks, or gimmicks here, so you’d only be wasting your time. I
suggest you stop reading now and return the book to where you got it for a
I know this sounds strange – I mean, what author in their right mind would
urge people not to read their book?
What you need to understand is how passionate I am and how seriously I take
this. If you’re not 100% committed to throwing everything you have behind
the success of your business, then I can’t help you. For me, as with
everything else in life, it’s all or nothing.
However, if you are ready to commit and go all in, in the following pages
you’ll discover a selling system that will truly bring you a predictable,
reliable, and consistent flow of new customers.
Now listen: Somewhere down the l
ine, you’re going to realise the
information in this book is worth hundreds of thousands, if not millions of
dollars. And you’re going to start wondering why I’m revealing all these
inside secrets for such a low price.
The reason is rather simple. You see, I run a very successful digital agency
called King Kong. And we have the privilege of working with a handful of
billion-dollar companies and hundreds of small-to-medium size businesses to
dramatically grow their sales.
The thing is, almost every week I receive emails and handwritten letters from
business owners who can’t afford our services but desperately need help with
growing their business. Up until now, I haven’t been able to meet their needs.
Then I had an idea! Instead of sending them to the numbskulls who are
rampant in the advertising industry, especially in agencies, I put together this
playbook on the best sales-producing strategies known to man, with the exact
steps on how to grow the sales of any business and sell like crazy!
This is my way of giving back to a community that has made all my wildest
dreams possible. No matter where you are on your journey, I hope this book
dramatically helps you.
I want to thank you for giving me this chance to prove myself to you.
Sabri Suby
P.S. You will benefit more if you read this book straight through from cover
to cover instead of ‘hopping around’ from one section to another.
Ready? Let’s get started!
Why This Information Is Vitally
Important – Now More Than Ever
The statistics are grim: 96% of all businesses fail within 10 years, with 80%
failing within the first two years. But even the 4% that make it aren’t
necessarily successful or profitable; it just means they’ve survived.
If this weren’t enough… 95% of companies will never reach $1 million in
annual sales.
And out of these rare few, 95% won’t ever make it to $5 million.
And of those, 98% won’t get to $10 million. And very, very few go beyond
$100 million.
Why do so few businesses grow and become profitable? I’ll tell you: The
difference is the dedication and drive of the company’s leaders to sharpen
and apply the skills that matter. And the number one skill is being able to
produce revenue.
In simple terms, this is being able to ring the cash register in large enough
volumes with high enough margins to sustain and grow the business.
Repeated, profitable sales are the lifeblood of your business. The oxygen.
Without them, your business will die.
If you have the ability to grow your revenue profitably, there’s almost no
business problem you can’t solve.
You see, most businesses are started by the ‘practitioner’ – that is, the artist
trying to turn his or her art into a business.
Take the chef who starts a catering business because they love to cook.
Nowhere has this chef been given the tools and education to run a successful
business. They likely went to cooking school or did an apprenticeship.
Maybe, if they were lucky enough, there was one unit of study that included
something about running your own business. The problem? The course
material was likely put together by someone who had never run or scaled a
successful business!
Yet this chef is meant to know how to run a business, how to acquire
customers, and differentiate themselves from the hundreds of other
businesses that all claim to do the same thing.
Along the way, they try to figure out all this ‘sales and marketing stuff’,
while juggling the pressures of heading into the unknown and running a start-
up company.
What’s the difference between a chef who starts a catering business and 20
years later realises they’ve created a job, not a business, and another who
starts a catering business and in 10 years has 16 locations and then sells it for
a multi-million-dollar pay day? The difference isn’t in the food; it’s in the
marketing and selling of that food.
This book gives you the exact learning curve and selling system I’ve used to
take fledgling start-ups and turn them into multi-million-dollar businesses –
businesses where the founder has been pulling 80-hour weeks, been up at
night, tossing and turning, worried where his or her next customer is coming
from. After implementing this secret selling system in their business, they’ve
gone from breakeven and barely drawing a wage to a thriving multi-million-
dollar business, all while reducing their workload by up to 60%.
In other words, going from working 80 hours per week down to 32 and
making 700% more money.
By the way, I haven’t implemented this amazing system in only a handful of
businesses so I could then tout it as the ‘holy grail’ of business growth.
I’ve personally implemented this into thousands of businesses and have
advised tens of thousands on how to implement it themselves.
In the process, I’ve run thousands of scientific advertising split tests to find
out what works and what doesn’t.
In short, I’ve used these systems and strategies to add hundreds of millions of
dollars of revenue to businesses of all types and sizes.
All these hard-won secrets are included in this book.
Think Like A Billionaire
If you want to become a billionaire, you need to think like a billionaire.
Just to be clear, by ‘billionaire’ I mean self-made billionaire. Not the
person with the massive inherited wealth they did nothing to earn. I’m
talking about the person just like you, who started out with very little. The
person who had to work for a living.
To think like a self-made billionaire, you must first understand their choices
in life and in business. Where do they derive their income from? What do
they spend their time on? What tasks do they focus on? In short, what do they
invest themselves in?
I have obsessively studied this unique group of high achievers. I’ve found
they invest only in assets that provide a positive return.
There are many kinds of assets. Among billionaires, the most valuable, non-
renewable asset in the world is their time.
So how do billionaires spend their most valuable asset – their precious time?
Are they constantly checking emails, posting on social media, doing
Facebook Live streams and other low-level activities they could delegate to a
team member or outsource?
The answer should be obvious.
Many billionaires don’t even use email or a mobile phone, and some go off
the grid for weeks at a time. How is this possible in the 21st century,
especially when building billion-dollar empires in the technology age?
Take well-known billionaire John Paul DeJoria. He’s the founder of tequila
maker Patrón Spirits Co., and cofounder of hair care company John Paul
Mitchell Systems.
He slept in his car and sold shampoo door-to-door before teaming up with
Paul Mitchell in 1980 and turning $700 into John Paul Mitchell Systems, a
company that currently does a billion dollars in annual sales.
Having recently sold his 70% s
take in Patrón Spirits Co. for $5.1 billion,
DeJoria is now worth an estimated $3.4 billion.
He famously doesn’t have an email address, and chooses to streamline all
communications by not using email… ever.
This powerhouse managed to build not one, but two billion-dollar businesses
without ever using email or owning a smartphone.
DeJoria lives a very tech-minimal lifestyle. While he drives a Tesla, you
won’t ever find a computer, laptop, or tablet in his possession. And it’s all for
a valid reason: ‘I’d be inundated if I did email’, he says.
Because the truth is, the more successful you get, it’s what you say ‘no’ to
that makes the difference. Meaning billionaires look at how they can take
more off their plate and invest their time in the activities that really move the
Am I saying you should give away all your material possessions and do away
with technology forever? No.
I am, however, making the point that hitting refresh on your email to see if
the world is coming to an end every 15 minutes is living life in a reactive
state. It doesn’t allow you to invest your time into deep work that produces
Take Mark Ford, for example. Since 1993 he’s been the chief growth
strategist for Agora Inc., the direct response information marketing behemoth
with revenues heading north of a billion dollars.
Ford went from $100,000 in debt to a net worth of $240 million, and says one
of the biggest reasons why most businesses never lift off is because of an
obsession with ‘little chores’.
Little chores are things that keep you busy but don’t make you any money…
or even worse, lose you money.
Instead of working on important tasks, most business owners let the
squeakiest wheel get the grease. They waste time on low-yielding tasks that
earn them a minimum return, like constantly checking emails and activities
they could delegate or outsource. Meanwhile, they forgo the activities that
produce the bulk of the revenue for their business – what I like to call Highly
Leveraged Activities.
Let me ask you a question, and be honest: Does your business suffer from the
following symptoms?
Do you wonder where your next client is going to come from?
Are you overwhelmed and overworked with trivial activities?
Are you not focussing on high-yielding, revenue-producing activities?